Friday, May 25, 2012

GORE OBSESSED - The Basement Tapes Part 1: Mutilated in Seconds!

How can I write this review without sounding obsessed with Justin…but I am so totally Gore Obsessed. Well, what can I say about Gore Obsessed that we don’t already know…well Justin is sexy….wait I already said that a few times already in my other reviews. Master genius of what he does…I don’t know how he does it. As fans of Gore Obsessed we know and can automatically differentiate Gore Obsessed from others. The albums are just so well structured and perfectly balanced.
Such a unique style and amazing structure even in tracks that are 0:07 seconds long. How does he do it? I guess I should just appreciate the music and stop analyzing it to death…but where is the fun in that…right if you’re going to be Gore Obsessed I believe in taking it to a crazy psychotic level.
My favorite tracks on this album are Bloody Disgusting Gore, Drinking Putrid Gore, A Sick Sense of Humour and The Sight of Mutilated Genitals.
Another amazing Gore Obsessed album to add to our collection…Enjoy!!!

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